
"This city (Barcelona) is a sorceress, you know, Daniel? It gets under your skin and steals your soul without you knowing it." - Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

Barcelona and the whole of Spain is capable of melting any heart. Every city of this wonderful country integrates in the state of festival and romance. Minimal!st team also has experienced it in a new professional photo shoot. And we want to share our impressions.

Spain is the largest country of the EU located in the heart of Iberian Peninsula. Rich history, bright culture, unbelievable scenery - it is all about it. Impressions in every corner from sensual flamenco to greatest architecture and art.

Everything in Spain is amazing. Especially people. They don't survive, they live. To the fullest, without thinking about tomorrow, only what is happening now. The feelings, emotions.. So passionate and vulnerable that brighten everything around. Brighter than the sun. Spain is capable of warming everyone, in and out.

Here you can keenly feel how forgotten thoughts and dreams awaken. You want to experience life in all its forms. To create. To change yourself and your reality.

Spain inspires like no other country. And empowers to go for a dream and make it true. After meeting it you start to understand clearly why you live your life. All the small things become insignificant.

Walking around Spain you feel like you belong. Everywhere and anywhere. And everything beems a special soft warm energy.

Wonderful country. An incredible feeling. A huge world out of many small worlds, each of them is beating in tact of your heart. Thank you, Spain. We will definitely meet again!

Your minimal!st